Your Company is one of the select few recommended to be Featured in the 2017-2018 Columbia, Missouri Members Choice Business and Service Directory. The Directory will be distributed to the members, guests and homeowners of these exclusive Country Club communities.
Country Club of Missouri
1300 Woodrail Ave,
Columbia, MO 65203
The Club at Old Hawthorne
6221 E Highway W,
Columbia, MO 65201
Columbia Country Club
2210 N Country Club Dr,
Columbia, MO 65201
Gustin Golf Club
1107 Carrie Francke Dr,
Columbia, MO 65211
Lake of the Woods Golf Club
6700 E St Charles Rd,
Columbia, MO 65202
The Directory is a FREE Business and Service Directory available to the members, guests and homeowners of these Golf & Country Clubs. Two companies per category will be featured in the Directory.
If you would like additional information and the minimal cost to be included, please call at your earliest convenience. Directory listings are reserved on a first come first serve basis, Directory listing reservations will be closing on October 26, 2017.
Best Regards,
Stephen Smith
(561) 320-0038
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