Please see message below from our CBOR Government affairs chair, Alice Leeper
Subject: City's Comprehensive Plan - Columbia Imagined Survey - Please Read; We need REALTOR Participation
Good Morning –
The surveys are tedious, but VERY IMPORTANT. The planning department relies heavily on the input from these surveys and their focus groups – more so than the input that the Board or the developers provide during the plan review process. Input from these surveys will set the direction for future updates to the comprehensive plan on how Columbia is to continue to grow. The surveys ask that you select your industry. We’re suggesting that you check “other” for reasons given below. These surveys will be open until Oct 30. Thank you for your help.
The City of Columbia’s Planning and Zoning Commission is asking residents to take part in several surveys to create a Five-year Status Report for Columbia Imagined, the City’s comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan is a strategic plan that is used to help the City Council and all Boards & Commissions make decisions. In addition to surveys, the City is also holding virtual public engagement sessions to gather additional public opinion.
Please take the time to complete all of the five surveys as they are all important, but if you only have time for a few sections, consider the Land Use and Growth Management & Economic Development sections. These are the sections that will have the most impact on the local real estate industry. I also encourage you to take the time to participate in a public engagement session. When Columbia Imagined was put together, the opinions of these sessions were heavily weighted in the plan’s final draft.
You have until the end of October to complete the surveys, but please don’t wait to submit your answers. The virtual meeting dates and times are listing below.
- Tuesday, October 6, 10:00 a.m.
- Wednesday, October 14, 6:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, October 20, 6:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, October 28, 10:00 a.m.
Below are links to surveys and registration to the Virtual Public Meetings, in addition to the City’s email soliciting participation in the 5-year Status Report. There is a question that asks which industry do you work in, I would suggest selecting “other” to reduce the possibility of the results to be influenced by who has participated.
Columbia Imagined Fire Year Status Report on
General Survey
Priority Area Surveys
Virtual Public Meetings
Columbia Imagined Plan and Updates
Email from City to encourage public participation in Columbia Imagined Status Report
The Planning and Zoning Commission, along with City staff, are currently working on a 5-year Status Report for "Columbia Imagined - The Plan for How We Live & Grow" which is the City of Columbia's comprehensive land use plan. Columbia Imagined was adopted by the City Council on October 7, 2013. The Plan provides residents, appointed boards and commissions, and elected officials with guidance on land use, growth management and quality of life considerations. The adopted plan can be viewed on the City's website at
The Status Report will provide the City Council with an evaluation of the plan's goals and objectives, implementation efforts to-date, and present recommendations for new and evolving trends and community priorities that would be incorporated into the next full plan update anticipated to begin in early 2022. The Status Report will also provide opportunities for renewed public engagement with community stakeholders and residents relating to the City's comprehensive planning process.
Several surveys are available on the City's website at to gather your input. Hard copy surveys are available upon request or at five drop-off points in the City of Columbia:
· Activity and Recreation Center (ARC), 1701 W. Ash St.
· The Armory, 701 E. Ash St.
· City Hall lobby, 701 E. Broadway
· Columbia Public Library, 100 W. Broadway
· Health Department, 1005 W. Worley St.
Virtual public engagement sessions are also scheduled to solicit additional input from the public to develop the Status Report. If you are interested in participating in one of these sessions, please complete the registration form on the website mentioned above.
Alice Leeper
2020 Government Affairs Chair
Columbia Board of REALTOR
RE/MAX Boone Realty
(573) 489-1458 cell