Thursday, June 19, 2014

Commission Checks and Closings


To All Agents:


We do our best and work our hardest to process your checks in a timely manner.  We know how important this is to you.  However we need your help on a few items:


1)      The cover sheet needs to be complete.  The information we ask for is needed for our system to print out checks, record your sales, prepare 1099s, track volume and help keep our accounting records.  If we do not have this at the time of contact, it will delay our process. 

2)      Complete Files.  Probably no explaining needed.  All of you do a great job and usually if it is not complete, it is because of a buyer or seller delay, but we all know that it is much harder to get it once closing day has come and gone. 

3)      A little patience. There are certain times of the month and certain times of the year when we will be longer in processing the files.  I think you will agree our staff is wonderful and extremely diligent in working to service your files and commission checks.  However, there are months and days when things just take longer.  Please give our staff a smile and your patience when things may take longer than they did the last time.  Be assured we know you are waiting on the money.  J 


We appreciate all you do and how you are wonderful professional agents. When everyone helps out, it helps everyone.  You will see notices in the closing department coming from Erica and Christy who both join us for the summer to help keep us moving at the pace of the market.  We are committed to service, as we know you are.  Thanks for your help!


Elizabeth Mendenhall

RE/MAX Boone Realty

33 E. Broadway, Ste. 200

Columbia, MO 65203

PH:  (573) 876.2882 |    


Licensed in Missouri




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