BILLY GRANNEMAN Manager of Agent Success
33 E. Broadway, Ste 200
Columbia, MO 65203
(573) 442-6121
YouTube: ViewColumbia
From: Graphics []
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 2:10 PM
To: Billy Granneman
Subject: Destination visitor/relocation publication information 3 (BZ)
This publication features community information, listings for local restaurants, retail destinations, area attractions & entertainment, places of worship, schools, lodging, local photos and information, and other data pertinent to reaching your potential clients. This publication is a full color magazine with up to 30,000 copies distributed throughout high traffic locations in your area.
Upon request, you can receive additional copies for your local marketing strategy.
The first 25 copies requested are free of charge.
You may contact the salesperson in charge of the project for the distribution points. The publication is distributed throughout the year, during which time our distribution points may request additional copies at any time.
There is a one-time fee for placement in our publications, which includes ad copy design and placement as well as an additional business listing in our sponsors section to further assist your marketing process. This fee varies depending on the size of your ad. Sale prices may be available; ask your salesperson.
1/8 page: $ 319.50
1/4 page: $ 519.50
1/2 page: $ 819.50
Full page: $ 1519.50
*Center fold: $ 1599.50
Inside front cover: $ 1899.50
Outside back cover: $ 2499.50
*Price is for each 1 full page center fold advertisement. Other sizes and/or priority placements are available. Prepaid clients qualify for an additional discount.
Our toll-free phone number is listed below. Our website, also listed, contains recent samples of our products you can view page by page, for your reference and convenience.
Please let us know if you would like us to expedite your order so we can send you a digital proof as soon as possible. We would love to answer any questions you may have.
Thank you for your interest in this publication,
Mary Thompson
Accounts Receivable
Global Graphics And Designs,Inc
Phone: 1-888-588-7755
Fax: 1-888-373-6776
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