Please consider donating money or items listed below* *Already purchased fish supplies, girls boots, 1 bike helmet and 2 locks for the annual Re/Max Voluntary Action Adopt a Family
*Already purchased fish supplies, girls boots, 1 bike helmet and 2 locks
VAC Holiday Program Sponsorship
As we get closer to the holiday season, we are asking that you consider helping us make this year one to remember for a local family.
Below is a list of wants and needs for each child we are sponsoring. Please send me an email at @Sarah Barba - RE/MAX Showings if you would like to participate.
For more information, click here.
A few things to note:
To purchase gifts, gift cards, or give monetarily:
§ VAC asks for at least one gift per child (new items only please). The suggested amount to spend per child is $50 to $75.
§ Please do NOT wrap the gifts. Gift wrap and tape may be included with the gifts.
§ Sponsors are not expected to purchase personal gifts for adults in families with children but can choose to purchase household items listed at the bottom of the Wish List.
To purchase or provide food:
§ Provide food for each person in the family.
§ The suggested amount to spend per person is $25 (this has increased from last year due to higher food costs). This can be done 1 of 2 ways
§ 1. Provide cash or check to VAC and VAC will provide a check or gift card enabling the family to shop for their food.
§ 2. Purchase a grocery store gift card for the family to shop for food.
Please drop off your donations at the RE/MAX Boone Realty office by December 1st.
Thank you for your consideration, and have a great weekend!