Please see below regarding a marketing opportunity.
Jamie Thornsberry
RE/MAX Boone Realty
33 E. Broadway, Ste. 200
Columbia, MO 65203
PH: (573) 256.3182 |
Licensed in Missouri
The City of Columbia and Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) once again has the opportunity to put together winning proposals for the Missouri State High Schools Activities Association (MSHSAA) State Wrestling Championships, Track & Field Championships, Speech, Debate & Theatre Championships, Volleyball Championships, Cross Country State Championships and Football State Championships. MSHSAA puts a Request for Proposal (RFP) every few years for their city-wide championships, these happened to fall at the same time and are due the second week of October.
Each year, MSHSAA State Wrestling, State Music, and other events bring over 33,000 visitors to our community and the University of Missouri campus. This includes competing students, teachers and families who are here over multiple days. These events have a conservative economic impact of over $9 million dollars. These effects these events have on our hotels, our downtown area, our restaurants, retail, the University of Missouri community and overall bottom line to our City and County revenues cannot be overstated. It is critical that we retain this piece of business.
State Wrestling Championships have been in Columbia for many years. They are an important piece of Columbia's tourism product and we are committed to keeping them here. Columbia currently does not host the rest of the events that are listed above, but we believe this is an opportunity to work together as a community, bring them to our area and show them that Columbia is a premier host for all. We know the community also realizes the importance of these events, and the CVB stall will be out making contact with businesses to secure their support.
We believe this is a fantastic opportunity to partner with your organization to secure these vital economic generators for Columbia and Boone County. We are asking for your financial support to help cover the costs MSHSAA is currently paying, which includes facility rentals, meals for athletes and officials, parking permits and security. We have several sponsorship levels that we believe could work for your organization:
$5,000 per year over five years
$2,500 per year over five years
$1,000 per year over five years
$500 per year over five years
The costs of these State Championships add up to the $30,000 range for each event and are burdensome for an organization coordinating statewide events with no cost to the participants.
The bid and sponsorships are for 2019-2023, but at this time we only need a verbal commitment. If Columbia is selected when MSHSAA wards the bids, the CVB will put you in contact with the MSHSAA organization to coordinate your sponsorship payment.
We cannot retain and attract these events without community support and we thank you for considering the importance of this business and all community-wide events.
Amy Schneider
Director, CVB
Andrea Q. Jira, CTA
Industry Relations Specialist
City of Columbia
Convention & Visitors Bureau
300 S Providence
Columbia, MO 65203
(573)441-5575 direct phone line
Follow us on Twitter: @ColumbiaMOCVB
Like us on Facebook: Columbia Missouri CVB
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